i envy you..
you have a happy life.
i envy you..
you have someone love you so much.
i envy you..
you have a happy marriage..
i envy you..
your road is so flate..
unlike me.. i walk.. and i fell..
i envy you..
you can finally get waht you want..
i envy you..
you can have your lover and to have his or her baby..
i envy you..
those happiness gone so fast to me..
i envy you..
you can escape all these so quickly and easily..
i envy you...
you can be so tough and strong..
i envy you..
you are so brave.. and independent..
i miss the time we had spend together..
even thought they may all lies..
i miss the happy times we spent together...
even thought i knew they'll not coming back again..
i do miss you..
and i really miss you..