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Your October 2009 Horoscopes
The most recent monthly forecasts by sign are listed below.
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20
Gemini May 21 - June 20
Cancer June 21 - July 22
Leo July 23 - Aug 22
Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22
Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22
Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19
Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces Feb 19 - March 20
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller
Pisces Forecast for October 2009
By Susan Miller
You have just come though a very challenging month, and October will offer soothing relief. September's storms were very intense for some, particularly for those Pisces born late in the sign, from, say, March 12 to 20, for you felt September's stresses and strains most. No matter, the good news is that this month, on October 29, Saturn will move out of Virgo, a very difficult place for you to host this taskmaster planet. You have struggled with this aspect since September 2007. Indeed, Saturn opposition the Sun is the single hardest aspect possible, and you have coped directly with this at some point over the past two years.
We all feel Saturn most directly when Saturn aims directly at our Sun, plus or minus five degrees. For example, if you were born near February 20, you felt Saturn the most in February 2008, when not only was Saturn being his most demanding, but an angry total lunar eclipse was taunting you, too. If you were born on March 7, then October 2008 through April 2009 was the most difficult (with March perhaps the hardest).
If you were born later, near March 15-20, then last month likely turned out to be challenging. All of astrology is based on mathematics - there is no "psychic" ability involved here. Everyone has good days, and everyone has hard days. The universe is remarkably even-handed in the trials and tribulations it sets up, but also in regard to rewards and joyous moments.
Saturn in Virgo brought difficulties on several fronts. Because Saturn was based on a key, north-south-east-west point of the horoscope, you felt his influence more than if he were elsewhere in your chart. Planets on angles act almost like wild horses - they trumpet their appearances in a very powerful way. You may have felt Saturn's presence on the cusp of a key angle, the seventh house of serious committed relationships, either personal or business in nature.
You may have had to leave a marriage, break up a business partnership, or leave an agent, as a few examples. Or, if you trusted an investor, you may have been let down at the last minute when the money was not delivered. If others were not living up to their promises, it was to cause vast problems in your life, and you had to face what was happening squarely and make a plan, most likely to leave.
Part of Saturn's lesson may have been to assess realistically the promises others made for you. On the flip side, you were also learning that you, too, had to fulfill promises to others, even if you had not thought too deeply about those promises while you were making them. If coupling up has its privileges, it also had its obligations.
Saturn opposed to one's natal Sun, as you have now, could have been detrimental to your health and that would be true no matter what your age, even if you are young. If there were a condition you have ignored or cheated on, Saturn would pull you back on track. Saturn demands adherence to rules. This is considered a very draining aspect, and if any part of you had a weak link, you know about it now, for Saturn was bent on showing it to you so you can get help and feel better. When Saturn moves off this position this month, you can look forward to much better health in the future.
It is true that Saturn is due back to Virgo for a short, 14-week stint when it retrogrades backward from April 7 to July 21. Everyone gets about nine months of direct one-on-one tutoring from Saturn, but those born March 17 to 21 had only about six months of Saturn's time. He is simply coming back to finish up his lesson plan.
After that, Saturn will be gone for many decades, until October 2036. Saturn's visits get increasingly easier as we age, for presumably we have learned a great deal on the first and second visits. Saturn takes 29 years to circle the Sun, so his visits are thankfully rare. You will never have an experience like you had from September 2007 to the present because you also had Uranus in Pisces opposed to Saturn in Virgo, a combination that set up a severe set of tests for you. The future ones will be so easy you may not even notice them.
Saturn has to move into a new house of the horoscope, and in your case will go into your eighth house of other people's money. This is the area where we pay back others according to a previously made obligation, such as when we send a check to our credit card company or to pay our mortgage, or when we pay an ex-spouse for child support. This same house rules mortgages, taxes, alimony, and child support, and inheritance, too. If you were trying to divide property in a divorce, it would come under this eighth house. Soon this will be a place to watch, so be compulsive about paying bills on time and fulfilling tax obligations. Don't borrow more than you need, for it may be hard to pay back the loan. Keeping credit card balances low would be a good idea moving forward.
If anyone owes you money, you may find you have to keep calling to be sure you get paid, lest one goes bankrupt and leaves you holding the bag. I don't want to frighten you - you have some excellent aspects for earning money next year, but you will have Saturn here, and that will require a bit of vigilance. If you sign a contract, be sure you read all the fine print, for you don't want to be surprised by a legal action later that could have easily been avoided. If anyone leaves you money in an inheritance, it may take a while for the courts to sort things out. Saturn always demands patience.
This same house, your eighth house, will bring a new moon on October 18, so you may be offered a nice deal where you can make commission or a licensing fee. If you do need an investment, this new moon will be your friend, and it will occur prior to Saturn's entry into this house. Have your business plan ready to show! If you are trying to divorce, you will do best right after this new moon - if it is a simple division of property, don't let things lag. Time is of the essence, for the longer you wait to seal the deal, the lower the sum you will end up being given - or at least it looks that way from where I sit.
At the full moon, earlier in the month, plus or minus four days from October 4, you may also be thinking about money. A full moon finalizes things, so you may be sending money out, or agreeing on a final amount of salary you will accept for a new job.
Two other points in the month will help you make money. The first will be October 9 to 11, days when actions lead to hefty profits, thanks to the interplay of Jupiter and the Sun.
Once Jupiter goes direct speed on October 13, having been retrograde since June 15, you will see your career spring to life. Everything will start to go better. September brought delays due to Mercury retrograde, but now Mercury will be in fine shape, so you will be free to make all kinds of plans for the future.
The other fine financial point of the month will occur on October 20, when Mercury, by then in your financial house, will signal Jupiter.
October 28 will be very impressive for money talks and negotiations too, for Venus and Jupiter will be so very cooperative, helping you find ways to make more money.
Romantically, Mars will be in Cancer as you begin the month, a good place for you, for it engenders creativity and romance. You have had Mars in this position since the end of August, so you may notice you've had time to see friends and to enjoy someone you love. If you are single, Mars in Cancer may have already introduced you to someone special. If not, keep your eyes open - this person is on the way!
One of my favorite days for you for fun and love will be October 4, when Mars in Cancer will send a golden beam to Uranus in Pisces, making for a highly electric and unusual evening out. Whatever you expect won't happen - something better will!
Venus will be in Virgo in the first two weeks of October, filling your partnership sector, so clearly the first two weeks will be your best. I love October 13 or another reason - Venus and Mars will be so lovingly engaged with one another, allowing for a beautiful evening of candlelight, poetry, and romance.
Once Mars enters your house of daily assignments (sixth house) on October 13, you will begin to work very hard. Mars will remain in your workaday sector from October 13 to June 7, an enormously long time for Mars to be. The more typical visit of Mars is seven weeks, not the nearly eight months that Mars will do now. You will need to pace yourself, so set up little fun breaks that you can look forward to, for you will have your nose to the grindstone for a long time. Still, you love being productive, and this tour of Mars suggests you will be that, for sure!
Mars in this house also shows that you will have a growing interest in health. You may decide you want to hire a trainer or join a gym, or if finances are a concern, buy some DVDs to learn some new routines to keep in shape at home. This would be a great idea. Also consider taking lessons on a new sport or reviving an old one that you used to do and always enjoyed. Mars is a very energetic planet, and if you begin now, by early June, when swimsuit season starts, you will look fantastic.
This trend also shows the possibility for a little more than usual interaction with medical or dental personnel for yourself or because you will bring a family member for treatment. It's all for good, so there's nothing to fear. You can expect good results.
With Jupiter in your twelfth house (where it is now until January 17, 2010) you will find top-notch medical care. If you have to go in for a procedure or operation yourself, things should go very well. You do have the element of luck, and besides, in January, Jupiter, the great healer, will go into Pisces for the first time in years in 2010, a truly exciting development for your improved health. You are about to see quite a turnaround, so if you have been suffering with health issues, those are soon to be history! Start getting yourself on a terrific nutrition and exercise schedule and you'll be feeling like an action hero - Wonder Woman or Superman!
Since September 2007 Saturn has opposed your Sun in Pisces as it moved through Virgo. This is considered a very difficult aspect for it is prone to bring out problems in a close relationship or bring up any weaknesses in health.
Over the past two years, you may have disagreed with a partner, or found character traits that you found troubling. Or, you may have been separated from a partner through no fault of your own, perhaps because of travel for work, or for university study, as two examples. Some unions survived but many did not under this testing period. Now, Saturn will finally move on to Libra on October 29 and instantly bring you relief and a feeling of renewed optimism.
Saturn will be back in Virgo, that sensitive spot for you, for 14 weeks, spanning April 7 to July 21, 2010, but at that time will be felt mainly by those Pisces with birthdays that fall between March 17 and 20. If that is you, you have already dealt with Saturn for months, and only have a few short weeks of Saturn's cosmic training. After July 21, Saturn will not be back to trouble you until 2036 (and second tours of Saturn are always MUCH easier.). For now you will get a much deserved rest, and be thankful for that!
The full moon, October 4, could bring a fat check to your mailbox or news that you have been approved to get a raise. Or, you may hear back about a new job and be able to negotiate a better salary. Mars will send a lovely vibration to Uranus, so news of your financial good fortune may hit very suddenly. You may also pay for something expensive at this time, and actually, it is a good time to shop.
On the new moon, October 18, you will have an opportunity to work out the details of a financial deal or to revisit your investments to see if you are getting the earnings you expected to earn. This would be a good time for you to do tax planning, too. When Saturn enters this house on October 29, you will have to be more careful with all these types of matters, and you'll be expected to follow rules and regulations to the letter. Don't be late on credit card payments - the penalties will be stiffer than usual.
Romantically, if you suffered a breakup, you have reason for hope. Mars will be in Cancer during the first two weeks of October and will bring you plenty of superb opportunities to meet new romantic partners. One could turn out to be quite intriguing to you.
Try to circulate early in the month, because after Mars moves into Leo on October 16, your work life will get very hectic, and you won't have a moment to breathe.
The good part about this, however, is that your services will be very much in demand and business will be good. You will be expending a lot of energy, though, so you may want to find regular ways to dispel tension. Do so now, while you are thinking about it, for later you won't have time to think! Have a fitness routine in place, dear Pisces.
Dates to note for Pisces
Financial gain is in the air: October 4, plus or minus four days. Your check or moneymaking opportunity is likely to arrive very suddenly.
New love will blossom best while Mars tours Cancer: October 1-15.
Last month may have been difficult for those attached. If you want a way back together, Venus will help in that regard too October 1-14.
As you see, attached or single, the first half of October will be your very best.
You are entering a very demanding work phase that will last for many months, beginning October 16 and ending next year, June 7, 2010. You will have to pace yourself to avoid exhaustion.
Fortunately, the period of October 15 to June 7 will be excellent for physical fitness training and advancement. You'll dispel stress and look great. Get started - the workouts will make a new person of you.
Mend a fence with a partner or spend more time with a parent: October 20. |