Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller
Aries Forecast for October 2009
By Susan Miller
September is over, and October's bright blue skies have never looked better. Mercury is no longer in retrograde; Uranus, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, and the moon are no longer fighting with one another; and at long last, your optimism is returning full fold. Most people found September a very difficult month, but because Pisces and Virgo were the signs in the center of the storm, perhaps you were on the sidelines helping others. Even so, that doesn't mean it was too much easier - it looks like you felt quite a bit of the tension.
Mars, your ruler, has had you focused firmly on your home, residence, or on one or both of your parents. With Saturn and Uranus in your health sectors, you may have been concerned about a health matter last month, for yourself or that of a close family member. Indeed, with so many planets emphasizing your sixth and twelfth houses, your mind seems to have been squarely on medical matters last month, or possibly psychological matters.
The tensions you felt will soon leave when Mars moves into Leo on October 16. Leo is a fellow fire sign like yours, so this is just great. Everyone, of every sign, will feel a shift of emphasis when Mars goes into Leo, but you will feel this change twice as much because Mars is your ruler. That matters quite a bit!
Mars usually stays in a sign for seven weeks, but every once in a while Mars will stay eight months, and that's happening now. This is exciting because Mars will remain in your house of true love from October 16 until June 6. You have just hit the cosmic jackpot, dear Aries - imagine! The cosmos wants you to enjoy fun, love, and romance for the coming nearly eight months! If you are not dating, this is the best possible news, for never have you had such a big window of opportunity to meet the right one for you. If you think you MIGHT be with the right one, you will have lots of time to get to know one another and find out.
During the coming eight months, Mars will be retrograde from December 20 to March 10, allowing you to reflect on your new relationship. You may slow down your romantic relationship during that time if you feel it's progressed a little too fast. You may simply want to adjust the pacing. Or, your sweetheart might be preoccupied during this phase, say, because he or she has to travel or study for a big exam, so you may not be together as much as you would like. Your very BEST period will come just after Mars is done retrograding, March 10 to June 6. In the meantime, you will love October 16 to 31, so drink it in!
If you are married or attached, you will have more time with the one you love in the future, and that's a big change because you haven't had much free time lately. You have been so swallowed up with work over the past two years that you may feel like you and your partner have become ships in the night. That will change now. Finally, the pleasures of life are returning.
If you have hoped to have a baby, this coming phase of Mars would be a great time to try. If you have had problems with conception and have not seen a doctor, then do, soon. Your very best time for conceiving a baby will be at one of the new moons this spring, especially any time after March 15, April 14, and May 13. Have any possible problem diagnosed now so that you will be all ready by those new moons. Never have you had a better chance for hope.
The coming trend of Mars in Leo will help your creativity in a huge way. All sorts of ideas will come to you in the coming months, and you will need a way to keep track of them. You shouldn't assume you would remember all your ideas - start an accordion file, special notebook, or visual board. Believe me, you are going to be one exploding idea factory under Mars in Leo, and your power and light will only grow by March, when you'll be really cooking!
There is another reason to be happy. Saturn will leave Virgo this month on October 29 and instantly ease up your heavy workload both at the office and at home. You may even have the possibility of hiring permanent or temporary help. At home if you have had problems hiring a housekeeper or nanny, for example, you will have far better luck now. Your life will seem lighter and easier when Saturn leaves at October's end, and even your health will improve, for the sixth house, where Saturn has been based, rules both your day-to-day work experience and your general health.
Saturn will come back to Virgo (where it's been since September 2007) for a 14-week period, from April 7 to July 21, but after that, Saturn will be out of Virgo for decades, not to return here until 2036. I tell you this because you may experience a short burst of heavy work at that time, but after that, you'll be done!
Saturn has to go somewhere afterward, so he will enter your house of marriage and partnership. Once here, all your personal growth will come through your commitments in love and business. You may now decide to get serious about marriage, or if you are married, you may choose to make a significant sacrifice to benefit your partner. Saturn is famous for teaching lessons, but this would be one you would do willingly, to show your love. For example, if your partner gets a great new job offer, you might give up your job so that your mate can take his or her new position, even though it will require a move to another city. Or you might decide to take a temporary second job to see that your partner gets the expensive dental procedure he or she needs. Things like that happen when Saturn is in the seventh house.
Another type of learning experience may be an odd one, but just as valuable. You will need to learn to judge whether you can trust your proposed mate or business partner to deliver on his or her promises. Sometimes, when we don't know someone well and are enthusiastic about forming the alliance, we "catch fire" too quickly and rush into a relationship. We are eager to make things official - but later we regret our haste. To avoid this outcome, know your partner well before you make any big life decisions. Saturn won't prevent happiness.
One fashion designer who had Saturn in her seventh house, as you will, assumed she could trust a certain investor. He let her down at the last minute because he made promises that he could not fulfill. My friend was put in a terrible position at the time, for she had her fall line in the factory, ready to ship to the stores, but needed to pay the factory for the work completed before that could happen. The funds were to be wired, when suddenly the investor informed her he could not do so. The relationship unraveled immediately when my friend learned that the investor, although once very successful, did not have the funds he promised. She thought she was out of business, but that was not the case - after a rather tense month, she found a far better investor, so the story had a very happy ending.
If you were born at the end of March, you will feel will feel the effects of Saturn opposed to your Sun from now until April and then again in late July and August. Saturn will remain in Libra until October 2012 but those are the times you need to give your health the tenderest loving care.
Let's now turn to the full and new moons, which set the tone of every month. As you begin the month, a full moon in Aries will greet you on October 4. This is a mixed message full moon, with some superb aspects and some jarring ones. Be glad you have the good ones, for those will mitigate any problems.
The wonderful part of this full moon will be that Mars, your ruler, will send a missive to Uranus in Pisces. This may bring good news to you about a home or family-related matter, quite suddenly. This full moon on October 4 will be beautifully angled to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and this tells me a friend or even a casual acquaintance may be worth his or her weight in gold at this full moon.
On the other hand, Mercury will be opposed to Uranus, which will be jarring. A work project may put your nerves on edge, and your health may need attention. Whatever comes up, things will reach a crest and you will make a decision. The good part is that after this full moon, things will calm down within four days. You may be celebrating or worried about a matter, but if the latter, you will choose a direction and feel better soon.
This will, of course, affect all Aries, but especially those who were born on March 31 plus or minus four days.
One of the best days of the month - and of the season - will occur over the weekend of October 10-11, when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will send a shimmering beam to the mighty Sun. It's a wow of a weekend, when friendship, groups, and mixing and mingling make you feel like a million dollars. Whatever you do on this weekend is sure to be a "10" in your book. Use this weekend to schedule something important or, conversely, pamper yourself with a concert or a trip to a nearby city.
More good news will arrive on October 13, when Jupiter ends five months of being retrograde (since June 15) and begins to help you in a very big way. When Jupiter retrogrades he is weak, and because you have Jupiter in your house of friendship, you will see that you'll be able to make more friends, see the friends you have, and mingle more, too. If life's been dull, your social life will surely perk up in time for the coming holiday!
For now, schedule important meetings or initiations for the time surrounding October 13. Watch to see what happens in the days near that date, too. When a big planet goes from retrograde to direct, clues surface immediately about what is to come - just be observant to see signs of upbeat results.
The new moon in your opposite sign of Libra will come on Sunday, October 18. This would be a fine time for an engagement or marriage or to make any kind of commitment to a present partner. You will have two full weeks, but the best energy will occur immediately, as the new moon appears. This new moon will be friendly to Pluto, so business partnerships are likely to be strong and profitable. Also adding sugar to this new moon is the fact that Venus will be in the same part of your chart, from October 14 to November 7. Perfect! This will be quite a divine time for setting goals with a partner you love or a collaborator in business.
Just two days later, October 20, Mercury and Jupiter will have a happy meeting on your behalf - news should be wonderful on this day. Travel would be joyous and/or profitable. It's a special day - use it!
Halloween ends the month, and guess what? The moon will be in Aries! You KNOW you will be invited to a party that day! With Mars and Jupiter cooking up fun with the moon on that day, the party will be fun, too. You should go!
Every once in a while planets play musical chairs and instantly, everything starts to look and feel different. This is one of those landmark months where you may be astonished to see that happen. After October is over, you will shift your priorities away from career concerns - which have consumed you lately - and toward fun, friends, and romance. Your career will not suffer from emphasizing your private life. Over past months you've given your career so much attention that it has been at the neglect of almost everything else. Let the ventures you've put in motion move forward now at their own pace while you turn your gaze in another direction.
The first two weeks will be excellent for making family, home, and other property decisions. Throughout September, Mercury was retrograde and not the time to commit to any long-term decisions. By now Mercury has moved direct, so it is safe for you to act. With your ruling planet Mars still brightening your home sector during October's first half, you can be twice as productive with home and family-related matters now. Aim to be finished by October 15.
One or both of your parents may have been on your mind too, and if so, you will feel better about that situation after Mars moves off your fourth house - October 16. I cannot see everything in your natal chart from where I sit, so if you have had an argument with a parent (hope not, but if so) it may be that Mars was in harsh angle to other natal planets in your chart. Again, after October 15 things will be better. Mars is your ruler, so while everyone will feel a shift, the move of Mars to another place will have a much greater effect on you.
Mars will move into your house of new love/true love, not for the typical 7-week stay, but for nearly 8 months - from October 16, 2009, until June 7, 2010. While Mars will be moving at a much quicker speed this coming spring (for those readers living "down under," in your winter), you will still have an excellent chance to enjoy romance now through early December. If you are not dating, you may have a fateful meeting soon and have even more chances to socialize and find a perfect romantic partner for you in the New Year. Attached? You'll enjoy quality time with your partner and doing so will help you reignite your relationship in an exceptional warm and wonderful way.
You apparently are serious about shaping your private life to the way you had always hoped it to be, for Saturn, the planet of maturity, will move into your marriage sector on October 29 for a three-year stay. In that time, you won't be as willing to date only for fun, but you will also want to see that your romantic partner has long-term potential for a commitment. If you feel this person does not, you'll quickly move on to another. Under this trend, you'll have to be sure the partner is as presented. Proceed slowly before you get involved. If you undertake marriage between now and October 2012, you will enter into it with great seriousness and awareness, a good sign, for that attitude will increase your chances of success.
If you are already wed, Saturn's move into this house indicates a change is about to take place, and you will be challenged to renew your commitment. You will need to reinvent your relationship, and Saturn will give you several clues about how to do that.
In all, you have an exciting journey ahead, one that will leave you with a private life that truly nurtures you.
Dates to Note:
Take care of home-related goals: October 1-15.
Most romantic dates: October 3-4, 7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28, and 31. Halloween is made for you - the moon will be in Aries!
The full moon in Aries brings something of enormous importance to fullness: October 4, plus or minus four days. Mars will be in perfect angle to Uranus, making news come suddenly and very upbeat.
A four-star day for attending a party, a short trip, or luxurious pampering: October 9 or 10, due to Jupiter in perfect angle to the Sun.
Finish a home-related matter from October 1 to 15. You will have better feelings about a parent (or both) in the second half, too.
Love will become glorious for you for months starting when Mars enters Leo: October 16, 2009, until June 7, 2010.
Venus will enter your true love sector too, when it enters Libra October 14 to November 7. Great for your relationship!
Jupiter will turn direct after being retrograde since June 15: October 13. From then on, your social life will move into high gear. Friends will play a much larger role in your life after that date, too.
You may be serious about forming a partnership, in love or business: from the new moon in Libra, October 18 plus two weeks.
Saturn leaves your workaday sector on October 29. Expect an improved workflow and less overtime as more help is hired to help you.
You seem to be looking at your closer relationship with fresh eyes. You may commit soon to this person if you feel he or she is marriage material: October 29 plus 3 years.