Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller
Cancer Forecast for October 2009
By Susan Miller
There is a lot going on in October, for the scene is shifting and parts of your life that have been stagnant will jump to life. Areas you have not prioritized as Number One will become increasingly important too, so you may be juggling a lot in weeks ahead. Everyone of every sign will be feeling the ground move as planets play musical chairs, but you may notice it more, especially in October, because so much energy will be focused on the key angles of your chart. You may be saying, "Bring it on! I've been forced to wait out too many situations! I am ready to get going!" Now, that's the attitude to have!
The month takes off with a huge career development, one that you will likely call a victory in every sense. A new moon in Aries indicates you are feeling entrepreneurial and it'll be time to set a deal in stone. You may have waited through September's difficult aspects, so if you did deliberately delay talks or a contract signing, you were wise to do so. This full moon will bring all the details together.
On the very same day as the full moon, October 4, Mars in Cancer will reach out to Uranus in Pisces, a lovely outstanding aspect that will bring the best surprise opportunity or piece of news that ought to make you very happy. It will seem to come out of nowhere when it arrives and will concern publishing, broadcasting, or academia, or possibly a project or relationship that emanates from foreign shores. One of these areas will jump to your attention, so keep your antenna up.
Jupiter will be in a good angle to that full moon of October 4, and that means financially you may be able to make a deal that will help you secure the hatches.
Mars has been in Cancer for weeks, and as you begin October, Mars, the active planet, will still favor you. This is great, for any time you begin something new with Mars in your sign, it indicates that you are about to start a brand new cycle, one that will take you forward for at least two years - or even much longer. You are now filled with energy and drive, and generally, in the first half of October, things will finally go your way. You've been under so much pressure over the past year that you may have wondered if it ever would be your turn to have luck. Your patience will be rewarded now, dear Cancer. It'll be nice to feel fussed over.
Mercury will be a bit unstable at the time of the full moon, October 4, and send you mixed messages. On one hand, Mercury and Mars will form an alliance, but on the other, Mercury will oppose Uranus. Travel plans could go awry or the messages you get could be very different in meaning, with good news and not-so-good news coming all at once. You will land sunny side up, so don't worry too much about Mercury. At least Mercury won't be retrograde like it was in September!
Jupiter is in a fairly good place to help you - the eighth house of other people's money - but the problem is, in some cases, that Cancers benefited not by earning bonuses, commissions, scholarships, tax rebates, and the like, but by getting money in a way that seems less desirable: through unemployment insurance and severance. Of course, it's always good to get money, but you may wish you could be seeing cash in a different way. Now that may change for the better, because Jupiter will turn direct after having been retrograde for four months. Once Jupiter goes direct and becomes stronger from October 13 onward, you should see money matters pick up noticeably.
An increased cosmic emphasis is being directed to your home situation, and the first sign that this is true may come up at the new moon, October 18. If you have been trying to decide about a move, rental, purchase, or renovation, you may uncover workable options quite unexpectedly at this time, for Pluto will be in good angle to that full moon in Libra. A partner, broker, or other middleman may be quite helpful to you.
Saturn is moving toward the same house, your fourth house of home, and will arrive on October 29 for a three-year stay. There is one exception: Saturn will move retrograde from April 7 to June 21, and during that 14-week period, Saturn will slide back into Virgo. If you are looking for a place to live, it may be easier to find an affordable space prior to October 29. Fortunately, you have an encouraging new moon on October 18 to help you. Actually, if you CAN make a choice and seal it prior to October 29, it would be wise to do so.
Saturn makes us more mature, so once Saturn enters this area of your chart in the coming three years, you may tackle a home or family question that seems a bit complex. It may be something you would say you were not ready to take on prior to this point in your life. If you have never done a home renovation, you might decide to have the contractors come in to take apart the kitchen or bath and learn a great deal in the process. If you are very young, you may rent your first apartment, or if a little older, buy your first house or condo. In a very different manifestation of this trend, you may take on the care of an elderly parent.
Even if you have taken on responsibilities like this in the past, something new will come into play. No matter what stage of life you are in now, you will soon take on some sort of new home or family responsibility or challenge. One hallmark of Saturn is that you will choose what it is you want to do, as Saturn rarely asks us to do anything we don't want to do. You'll be ready.
Financially, when Mars enters Leo from October 15 to June 7, 2010, a period of eight months, you will more likely be fixated on finding ways to increase your cash flow. You'll be more determined than ever to make money. The problem is that your expenses are likely to go up during this phase, and so you will have to be as conservative as you can during this time.
You will have several special days this month to find gratifying financial opportunities and to hear good news about money. The first will be October 9 and 10, when Jupiter and the Sun will have a meeting on your behalf. This is a golden time for making money, especially if you work on commission, fee-basis or bonus basis, or similar performance-based method. I love October 9 and 10 for you, so be out and about, as they say, "beating the bushes!"
Another day when you may seal a very savvy financial negotiation will be October 28, when Venus and Jupiter are beautifully angled. Actually, by this time, Venus will be in your home-sector, so your luck may be directed to a sale, purchase, or rental of property. Or, you may get a terrific bargain on a piece of furniture. See what happens on October 28 to see how you can best take full advantage of the good fortune Venus and Jupiter is cooking up for you.
Romantically, now that Pluto went direct speed last month, as of September 11 (to stay in strong shape until April 6), you have a much better shot at finding true love if single, and if attached, for having more time to enjoy the one you love. Also, with Mars in Cancer from the start of the month until October 15, you will be at your most charismatic and alluring. This is your time to be out and about!
Later, on the evening of October 23, the Sun and Pluto will be in perfect angle, making this a wonder night for finding love. The moon will be in Scorpio too, which is just perfect for you!
Most romantic dates: October 1-3, 7, 9-10, 13, 18-19, 23, 24, and 27-29.
You were career oriented in September, and with the help of Mars, you've been pushing hard. Despite your best efforts, September turned out to be a difficult month, partly because Mercury was retrograde, and partly because planets were clashing in such high contrast ways. Mercury has since turned direct, and angry planets have moved to different positions. This month will be different and better in every way and, in October's first two weeks, you will see gratifying progress on your career goals.
The full moon, October 4, in Aries, should allow you to culminate a professional offer. Do so within four days of this date. It will be the most critical moment of the year for career success, so you could have some very big developments to be happy about! Mars in Cancer will send a beam to Uranus, so news will strike unexpectedly, like lightning. When it does, you'll need to mobilize and be decisive. Jupiter will be friendly to this full moon too, and suggests that if you are not able to get the salary you want approved, you may be able to strike a performance-based deal where you would earn commission. If so, you would do well under that way of working in 2009. Benefits, such as health insurance or vacation pay, may prove to be generous too and offset the possibly slightly-less-than-anticipated salary.
In truth, the first two weeks of October will be special on many levels, even beyond the professional news you may hear, for Mars will make you the most favored sign simply by being in Cancer. In a romantic and creative sense, Mars will make you sexy and charismatic. Plan to be out and about more from October 1 to 15.
When Mars moves into Leo on October 16, it will zoom through your house of earned income for eight months. This is considered a long visit from Mars, for the Red Planet more typically spends 6 weeks in a sector, not eight months. You will notice you will be spending more money in the months to come, most likely to start a business or for other job-related costs. Be careful about what you spend, if only because of the long period that this will go on. If you have planned to make heavy outlays of cash this year, then you are ready, but if you have no idea what this trend is about, it may represent that surprise expenses are coming. To be safe, adopt a conservative approach to money management.
Housing is another matter on your mind, and one that you will address soon. The new moon, October 18, will appear in your sector of real estate and housing, allowing you to make decisions in the days that follow. If you need to move, you need to be looking at listings early in October, so by time the new moon arrives, you'll be informed about rental and housing costs. If a renovation or refurbishing project is on the docket, you will be able to sign estimates and get the endeavor going after the new moon.
Here is what is about to complicate things: Saturn is about to enter your house of home on October 29, to stay until October 2012. There will be a brief period of 14 weeks when Saturn moves back into Virgo, April 7 to July 21, 2010. Saturn is well known for adding responsibilities in an effort to mature us. Because Saturn will focus attention on your home and other property, after October 29 you may find it harder to find a spacious, sunny apartment or house that you can afford. You may be tempted to pay too much. If you need to move, it would be wise to strike just after the new moon, October 18, but prior to Saturn's arrival October 29.
An alternative way this trend may affect you is that you will take on the care of an elderly parent during the coming three years. In this case, you would be the one family member best positioned to offer your parent assistance, and that help will be deeply appreciated by your parent.
Dates to Note for Cancer:
Most romantic dates: October 1-3, 7, 9-10, 13, 18-19, 23, 24, and 27-29.
Mars in Cancer gives you a huge edge in any new initiative October 1-15. Watch October 13 as special for a great day for finding new love due to Mars in Cancer in perfect angle to Venus.
A major career development is likely at the full moon October 4, plus or minus four days.
Travel may occur spontaneously: over the weekend of October 3-4 or near October 12-13. These dates sparkle.
Have a meeting about money and come out smiling: October 9-10.
Money matters begin to look up once Jupiter goes direct: October 13. Be conservative with money nevertheless.
A high spending period is likely from October 16, 2009, to June 7, 2010. You may already know and be prepared for this phase. It looks work-related. If you don't know, brace for many expenses.
Try to settle home and family matters prior to the move of Saturn to your solar fourth house of home: October 29. The new moon October 18 will help you do so.
If buying furniture or hoping to beautify your space, you will find beautiful choices on October 28, thanks to Venus in perfect angle to Jupiter. Talks about a mortgage should go well, too.