

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller





Capricorn Forecast for October 2009


By Susan Miller



This is a key month when so much of what you have worked toward will be rewarded. For decades, Saturn has been inching toward your mid-heaven, which is located at the very top of your chart, and will reach this pinnacle point on October 29.


So that you can visualize where Saturn will be, if your horoscope were the face of a clock, your mid-heaven would be found where the 12 is placed at the top of the clock's face. The mid-heaven forms the cusp between your ninth house of international relationships and endeavors, travel, and higher education, and your tenth house of career honors and achievement. The ancient astrologers called the tenth house "the house of dignity," for it has always been held in high esteem. It is the place where your reputation is centered, whether in your community, your nation, or the world. This is the place in the chart where you can demonstrate your leadership abilities and assume a position of great power in service to others. When there is activity in the tenth house, you usually have a chance to step up to a high level in your career.


The fact that this part of your chart is lighting up brilliantly is attractive to you, for the tenth house is naturally associated with Capricorn. You are an ambitious soul, and you are wise in knowing that your reputation is the one part of you that is most precious. No one can ever take your reputation away from you - you built it and it is forever yours. That makes your reputation your most precious quality, and you seem to be very aware of that. With Venus circulating in this house in the second half of October, the buzz about you will be very, very positive among VIPs.


Saturn is the taskmaster planet that teaches the value of patience, focus, and dedication, so the way this trend will work out is that you will likely take on a position of great responsibility sometime in the coming three years, the length of time Saturn will spend in this house. You may accept the position now or later - that part does not matter, but there is some indication that if you were born near December 22-25, you will feel this trend immediately.


Saturn does not bestow gifts immediately in the way Jupiter might do. Saturn will make you work hard for all that you gain, but it's ultimately worth the effort, for what you are left with you keep forever.


Usually when Saturn crosses the mid-heaven, one's career changes dramatically. You may take on a huge promotion, but even more likely, you may walk away from your present line of work and do something completely different. If so, it will be something close to your heart. You will need mentoring in your new job, for it will be a prestigious step up that will give you a high profile, but you will have help from an older, wiser, and more experienced person who will show you the ropes.


Let me give you an example. In the 1990's, I was in the hospital with a severely broken femur bone, and because of a problem I have with internal bleeding in that leg, I can never be operated on. If I do get an operation in the left leg, I risk bleeding to death. This was not my first long hospital stay, so I was dealing with it as best I could. Thankfully my mother was taking care of my two daughters while I recovered. I was to be in the hospital in traction for eight months.


At that time, I remember my mother, Little Mom, coming in to see me one day (as she often did) and looking at my chart said, "You have Saturn going over your mid-heaven, Susie, and it looks like you will have a complete change in career soon." Now of course that was the last thing I wanted to hear. I was in a crisis with my health, I had two little children to care for, I was divorced and not getting child support, and hearing I would soon give up my present job and find a new way of making a living was the last thing I wanted to hear. I liked my job.


At that point I was trying hard to deal with being tied to a hospital bed for 8 months and still keep my business going! If you don't want to hear your career is changing, I understand - that can sound scary. As you will see, things worked out for me, and they can for you. Stay with me.


At the time I was an agent for commercial photographers in advertising. Everyone in the industry knew I was interested in astrology and I gave charts to art directors freely as thanks for the kindness they showed my photographers and me.


Soon after Saturn crossed my mid-heaven, the editors at Time, Inc. asked me to create a website on astrology for their new website, Pathfinder. Those were pre-AOL days and they agreed to license the site I created - a site I named Astrology Zone. It would be fully owned by me at all times (and still is 100 percent owned by me). I have my natal Sun and Mercury in the tenth house of my natal chart, and when Astrology Zone debuted on December 14, 1995, Saturn was one-and-a-half degrees past my natal Sun and conjunct my natal to Mercury, next to the Sun. Astrology Zone is now nearly 14 years on the Internet.


Did I have a huge career switch thanks to Saturn? I sure did, but I did so gradually and I think this is how things may work out for you. Nothing Saturn does is quick. I did not close the door on my commercial agent work until 2001, when Astrology Zone got so big that I couldn't handle both careers at once. My mother's words had troubled me, but I should not have been frightened - she forgot to tell me Saturn works so slowly. By 2001, it was time to choose which to do, and I chose to let go of my agent work and embrace my website full time forever.


I tell you this story because you may face a similar decision. Some people do make a radical switch, but Saturn tends to favor a slow and gradual approach. Uranus is more given to lightning bolt change, not Saturn. Jupiter comes bearing gifts immediately, but Saturn will always test your mettle first, so this tough love planet gives no rewards until you complete his tutoring phase.


Saturn will makes you work very, very hard and commit fully to your quest, but whatever you build during his visit will be something you will be very proud and happy to have done. Your new job will add to your long-term security.


Said another way, in the coming years, you will have a chance to find your true calling. You are a skeptical, practical soul, so you may be sitting there wondering, "Susan, have you overstated this coming trend?" Finding one's true vocation in life is a serious, heady question that people of all ages, nationalities, and genders have considered though the centuries. When I was little, about 6, my mother would tell me how important it was to think about why we were born and what work would be best suited to our abilities. I used to love to talk with my mother about that mysterious question, even when I was so small! My mother is essentially very philosophical, and although she said very little, every word had such profound effect on me.


Dear reader, someday, when you are old and look back on your life, what work will you find most satisfying? Saturn makes us think long-term. It is also important to note that Saturn does not come by this part of your chart very often, only once every 29 years. The last time you hosted this planet in your tenth house of career achievement was 1980 to mid-1983.


It might be interesting and enlightening to find out what happened when your grandmother and grandfather hosted Saturn in their tenth house (as you have now), and what happened for your parents, aunts and uncles, and older close friends, too.


Also, if you are old enough to have been in the work force during the early 1980s, you may recall a career theme that emerged back then that may come up again now. You have time to think - this trend will begin a long process. Once you take on your new post, it will take until October 2012 to fully master your skill in the new position and that is when your rewards will begin to flow.


During the coming three-year period, Saturn will briefly move back into Virgo from March 10 to July 21, 2010. As you see, you will experience a preview of what is to come from October 29 until April 7. After April 7, you will get a breather of 14 weeks.


From early April through July you may go back to school for extra training. If so, it is likely to be a difficult course, but you will learn the material in a way you would never forget, and you will find practical application to what you learn. If you have to take a very hard qualifying exam, like the Bar, then do so any time outside of this period. In other words, avoid March 10 to July 21 if you can, as the test will be very challenging if taken during that phase.


On top of all this - and it is hard to imagine any MORE news involving your career - you will have a bright, friendly new moon in this same area of the chart, your lofty tenth house of fame and honors on October 18. This will be the only new moon in this area of your chart in 2009, and will bring you a sterling opportunity to get ahead immediately - no waiting.


Saturn won't yet be in this area - that will come later, on October 29 - but you can be sure that as you talk about the job, you will impress the powers at the top and you will be identified as the one to handle a very responsible job. Pluto will be very helpful to this new moon, so you will have awesome support from someone at the very top. It makes no difference if you are employed and hoping for a promotion or new job elsewhere, or if you are looking for work. This new moon is your friend, so use it to your best advantage.


Now let's see what else is going on in your chart.


Your home situation will also be a focus at the full moon, October 4. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be in the vicinity of that full moon and beam a lovely, shimmering vibration to it, helping and possibly even enlarging your opportunities. This suggests you may be buying or selling a house, leasing an apartment, or buying or selling items for the home. You will either get a good bargain, or, you will net a nice profit. A full moon finishes things, so you will see a final resolve within four days of this date.


At this time, Mars will be in a cheery mood and signal Uranus, so you may need to travel suddenly, but if so, you would cover only a very short distance, say, under 200 miles. I am not sure if your trip will be related to the property situation going on, or in addition to it. You may also be on the phone with your sibling or a cousin quite a bit at this full moon.


Financially, any talks you have from October 11 to 13 should work out well for you, thanks to the interplay of the Sun and Jupiter. Most people don't work over the weekend, but if you do, this weekend will be four-star for elevating your earned income! Yes, your lucky area concerns EARNED income, not money won or given, dear Capricorn. Still, that's always good news!


Speaking of money, your financial outlook will become outstanding after Jupiter goes direct on October 13. Jupiter has been retrograde since mid-June. If monetary talks have stalled, or if you have delayed changing jobs because you've not been able to find a job that offers you the right compensation, then this is fabulous news. From October 13 to January 17, 2010, you will have your best chance ever of finding the kind of job that pays well and is right for you.


Actually, one of the best days of the month to have an interview will be October 28, when Venus, by then in your house of career success, will send the best possible golden beam to Jupiter. It's a four-star day for advancing professional interests!


While your outlook for generating income will be very strong, you seem to be getting ready to spend a great deal of money, too. Your spending seems to be home or family-related. Mars naturally rules your fourth house of home, and will move into your eighth house of other people's money and will remain there quite a long time, until June 7, 2010.


This suggests that you will be buying or selling property, moving cross-country, or doing a major renovation, or, you may be updating and refreshing your space, such as by painting and buying new furniture. Of course, there are many reasons we spend money, and most of the reasons revolve around some sort of major lifestyle change, so if you are not moving, then you may be going back to college, getting married, having a baby, or for some other reason need to spend a great deal of cash. I cannot see everything in your individual chart from where I sit, but your coming expenses do seem to be centered on home and family. If so, aim to get things done by June 7, 2010, for best luck.


Romantically, your best period this month will come early on, when Venus is still moving through Virgo, an earth sign like yours, and reaches out to Mars, still in Cancer. Venus will remain in Virgo until October 14, and Mars, until October 16, so for all practical purposes, you will be all set during the first two weeks of October.


With Mars in your opposite sign of Cancer, if you are attached, you will have special cosmic favor this month. Your partner will dominate the relationship and be the one to provide the momentum. This may take you a little time to get used to, as you are a natural leader and like to have control. Dear Capricorn, you won't have to do everything in the coming months, so sit back and enjoy being fussed over.


It is true that if your partner has any grievances, they were likely to come up while Mars tours your seventh house, in Cancer, which will be October 1 to 15. I should mention that you have hosted Mars in Cancer since August 25, so you likely have addressed those issues by now.


If you are in a very contentious relationship - and this relationship may be personal or business in nature - I believe difficulties will continue for a while. I am concerned that you will have Mars in your eighth house for nearly eight months, until early June. If you are trying to settle the financial side of a divorce, talks may drag on for almost eight months. If you are trying to raise venture capital, then the same is true - negotiations will go on for the same length of time.


It may be helpful to know that you will have a good strong month in October. After that, Mars will begin to gradually slow his speed in November, and slow down even more in December until Mars reaches retrograde on December 20.


Not much will happen from December 20 through March 10, the time Mars will be retrograde. On top of this, Mercury will be retrograde too, from December 26 to January 16. That may be for the best, for on top of that, two major eclipses are due during the same period, a full moon lunar eclipse December 31 in Cancer and a solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 15. These eclipses have your name written all over them, so you will certainly be moving into a very different chapter of your life. All this is exciting - nothing to fear.


Think back to what happened on July 7 and July 21 of this year, when the first set of eclipses came by. The first one, July 7, was in Capricorn, and came as a full moon lunar eclipse. The second one was a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer and arrived July 21.


Mars will move over the same degree of the eclipse of July 21 on October 14, but give this day a plus or minus five days. A partnership or collaboration may become front-of-mind at that time. You have many changes in store, but see it all as an adventure, dear Capricorn - it's time!





October will mark the start of a major shift of emphasis in your life.


Your home will be first to draw your attention. The full moon, October 4 (plus or minus four days), will bring a conclusion to a decision or action concerning your family or a home / real estate issue. You may have to get past a disagreement with a partner, spouse, roommate, broker, decorator, contractor, or other home-related person at this time, however, as Mars will be in a tough angle, indicating a negotiation. You are a practical soul, so you know you can objectively find a fair compromise.


When Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into your tenth house of fame and honors on October 29, it will signal that change is in the air involving your career, and it will take place in the months and years to come. Saturn's appearances are rare. It takes Saturn 29 years to circle the Sun, so we only get two or possibly three visits of Saturn to the career portion of our horoscope in our lifetime. Saturn spends a little over two years in each house, so his lessons have to be strong enough that you remember and apply them in daily life in the decades to come.


The last time Saturn was in Libra - and consequently in your solar tenth house - it was late 1980-1983. You may have been too young to feel the effects of that visit. If you do remember those career years, know that Saturn's visits become increasingly easier, as Saturn has less to teach us the second time 'round. Presumably, we have less to learn the second time.


In the coming years, you will be challenged to reinvent yourself professionally, to learn new skills and to take on a position of leadership. As a Capricorn, this kind of challenge is just your cup of tea, so you should be excited by what develops. The rewards you win at these times are ones you earn - but are also ones that remain with you and that you are proud to talk about to others. This is your chance to find your true vocation, dear Capricorn.


The new moon, October 18, will also light your house of career, opening up professional opportunity for you in the two weeks to follow. This will be your best moment in 2009 to find a new position or to get a promotion. With Jupiter moving forward on October 13, after having been retrograde since mid-June, you truly have an excellent outlook for career success - and to be paid generously, too.


Be assertive and move forward with energy on all offers. This month simply brims with possibility! If you don't get your job this month, you may in the months to come, but what matters is that you begin the process on or just after October 18.


Mars will move into your eighth house of other people's money on October 16 to stay nearly eight months, until June 7, 2010. This means you will be spending quite a bit of cash. You may know this already - you may be making an investment in real estate or be renovating your property. Alternatively, the fourth house also rules your parents, so you may take on the care of a needy parent, quite lovingly. If you are not about to spend money, you may be arguing with someone about money, and if so, these talks could drag on until early June 2010.


Be careful about how you spend money because of the unusually long period this trend will be operating. If renovating, ask contractors to report any anticipated overages to you to sign off on prior to their spending your money. A conservative approach to spending will work best.


Romantically, early month, from October 1 to 14, will be best. If you are attached, lucky you, you seem to be favored most.



Dates to Note for Capricorn:


Your home will be the center of your attention within four days of October 4. Sign a lease, buy furniture, sell a house - make decisions.


From October 1-15, while Mars tours Cancer, you'll be very oriented toward creating a partnership or working with an expert or partner in collaborative mode.


Your expenses will rise while Mars moves through your eighth house of money between October 16, 2009, and June 7, 2010. If you haven't planned for a big life expenditure, be conservative with money.


Your career will catch fire once the new moon arrives October 18 and in the two weeks that follow. You will assume a much bigger, more prestigious role in your industry.


A sterling day to interview for a job will be October 28, thanks to a sensational collaboration between Venus and Jupiter. You'll make a great impression AND come back with a high salary offer!


When Saturn enters your tenth house of fame, October 29, you will gradually evolve into a very different type of position or even make a complete career switch. Saturn will remain here until 2012.


Money talks will go well on October 28 when Venus and Jupiter will be so beautifully angled.


Best romantic dates: October 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 12, 14, 20, 23-24, 28, and 29.


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