Taurus (April 20- May 20)
Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller
Taurus Forecast for October 2009
By Susan Miller
As October begins, treat yourself to a little rest. September was a difficult month for many. Even if you found that your love life and friendships remained on an even keel - the area the planets were focusing on in your chart - the people you know may have had serious personal difficulties, and because you are a caring person, you may feel wrung out, too. October will be so much better than September, on so many levels. With Mars still in Cancer, you may get a chance to take a drive into the country to enjoy a change of scene. In northern latitudes, it's fall foliage and apple picking time, so take a little time away from routine and indulge in a few pleasures of the season.
When Mars enters Leo and your solar fourth house on October 16, the Red Planet will stay there until June 6, 2010. That is considered a very long time for Mars to stay in any one area of your chart, so you will surely notice the emphasis, and it will show up soon. You will become riveted on either a home / property matter or a family matter. If you need to move, lease, buy, or sell, this phase will be exactly what you need to show you mean business and get your goal finished.
There will be many possible manifestations to Mars' visit, with the most likely being that you will move or renovate, or negotiate the sale or purchase of a house. Mars brings noise, so you may be moving furniture to improve and reorganize your space, or you may be hosting more parties or houseguests in coming months. Alternatively, in an economical move, you may add another roommate to share your rent, or, if you have grown children, you might invite one child back to live with you if your child is struggling with finances.
On October 12, when Mars will be in perfect angle to Saturn, you will have a chance to create a very successful long-term situation.
The fourth house rules family and particularly your parents, so you may need to help your mom or dad more than usual in the coming months. There's another manifestation I hesitate to suggest, but because I cannot see your chart, I will say that family squabbles may kick up in the months ahead. It gives me no pleasure to mention this, and I do so only to help you try to find solutions at the onset if you feel this is the likely way this trend might work for you.
Mars will move at medium speed this month, but be a little slower in November, and even more so in December when Mars will begin to crawl. By December 20, Mars will go retrograde until March 10. Once that happens, with Mars out of phase, you will find it much harder to negotiate and finalize home and family decisions. In fact, if you make plans with Mars retrograde in your fourth house, there is a lesser chance you will be pleased with them over the long haul. After December 20 and continuing for a little over 11 weeks, you may be faced with people who change their mind or the circumstances themselves may shift. While you now have a fairly strong phase in late October to get things done, do - table your home, property, or family-related discussions and plans for after March 10.
In truth, Mars will move in his very best orbit from March 10 through June 6, so that's your very period to find the right answers. You can use the time in October to do your research and collect estimates. This planet of communication, commerce, transport, and delivery was in weak position, but as of September 30 went direct, so you are in the clear. If you like, you can make plans.
Speaking of Mercury retrograde, the next time this will happen will be from December 26 to January 16. You would be wise to do your holiday shopping early. We always feel the frustrations of items being out of stock or having something wrong with the purchase if bought in the two weeks that lead to Mercury retrograde. This means this year, in the days that follow Christmas, many shoppers will pour back into the stores to return a great many of their presents. If you wait until the last minute, chances are that your recipient is going to find something wrong with your gift. (Gee, I wish I didn't have to say that, but I'm just trying to be truthful!) You want to make your friends and family happy, right? You don't have to spend at lot, but to hit the spot, you do have to shop in October or November!
Protect your health in early October. Cold and flu season will be upon us soon, so with the full moon in your twelfth house on October 4, you may feel that you have run yourself down and need rest. All full moons are operative for four days in either direction, so make an extra effort to stay strong in the first week, and get enough rest, too. While your physical energy will be low, your instincts will be extraordinarily high. Listen to your intuition at this time, even if you don't feel super-energetic, for it will be there to help you.
This full moon will bring a mixed bag of aspects. On the plus side, Jupiter will be smiling on that full moon of October 4, so a confidential meeting or phone discussion could lead to a heartening career opportunity at that time. One of your friends may be very instrumental in your luck over the weekend of October 3-4, or in the days surrounding these days. If you belong to a club, union, or other professional organization, the people you know in this group may prove to be great supporters. If you are attending a charity event, it's a wow of a weekend to do so.
You may alternatively be traveling quite unexpectedly over this weekend of October 4 at the invitation of a friend or a sweetheart. On the minus side, with Mercury opposed to Uranus, you could encounter a sudden difference of opinion with your friend or sweetheart, or else experience some sort of frustration with transportation or accommodations. It should not be too serious, however, so all in all, as long as you take it easy and don't give yourself a strenuous weekend, you should be fine.
Your career will get a very powerful, fantastic boost this month once you reach October 13 when Jupiter will go direct. Jupiter has been retrograde in your tenth house of career reputation, progress, and achievement since mid-June, so you've had to get along without the help of this kindly benefactor planet. Jupiter is one of the most powerful planets in the solar system, for Jupiter is associated with not only good fortune but even miracles, so you really do have a great outlook from October 13 onward.
If you have been anxious to progress your career, only to be beset with delays, indecisive people, and even difficult outside events that were hampering your career search, get set to see a gratifying change for the better. Watch what happens on October 13 and the two days on either side of this day for the universe to speak to you in code. Something should come up for you that convinces you that wonderful career news is indeed shaping up for you on the horizon. This is a major moment of the year!
Right after this day, the new moon on October 16 will bring a new assignment that you should be very happy to be given. This new moon falls in your sixth house of work projects, so whatever you are asked to do, it should represent something really exciting and growth enhancing. Mercury (news) will send a perfectly heavenly greeting to Jupiter on October 20, so that excellent aspect will contribute more goodness to this new moon. With Pluto helpful too, you may find that the assignment has something to do with an international project or be related to academia, publishing, or broadcasting.
In case you think by mid-month you will run out of sensational work-related aspects, think again. Put a big star on both October 27 and 28, when Venus will send Jupiter a big kiss, and professional opportunity will again come raining down on you! While these are days that nearly every sign will enjoy, you will be among those who benefit the most because your ruler is Venus! These are days when you will see that all the hard work you did will add up to impressive praise or even the promise of a promotion. Your work is being noticed, dear Taurus - you can bank on that!
At month's end, we have a major astrological development - the move of Saturn to Libra on October 29. You will start to get a six-month preview of Saturn in your sixth house at that time. Saturn will return to Virgo from April 7 to July 21. After July 21, Saturn will settle into Libra and stay there until October 2012.
While Saturn tours your sixth house, you will have a superb opportunity to organize your work space. Step back and see how you are doing your job, and see if you can find better ways to approach it. We can all find ways to make life a bit easier, and that's precisely what Saturn will ask you to do.
Look at your office - is there a way to save steps and make each project more efficient? Sometimes the only way to improve on a physical space is to take everything out of the room, including things in the closets, and start from scratch. You might want to paint, buy new shades or drapes, get new computers or other equipment, toss out clutter, and find new software that can streamline your process.
Saturn in your sixth house may increase your workload, so if you streamline your job, you will be able to get more done in less time. If you depend on nannies or others to help you at home, get a list of contingency workers in case your helper is out sick, or in case your assistant, babysitter, or housekeeper suddenly announces she or he is leaving.
Saturn in the sixth house will also help your health. You can now set up a disciplined routine to get fit and lean, and to lose weight too, if that's a goal. You do have to take good care of yourself when Saturn is in your sixth house, for Saturn doesn't allow any fudging of basic, practical rules. If you try to get away with eating all the wrong foods, for example, Saturn will bring the kind of consequences that make you realize you have to stop. Don't let it get to the point where your doctor makes a comment to you. We study astrology so that we can make good choices and avoid problems. With Saturn in the sixth house, you will have to be more deliberate about taking care of your health.
Saturn will stay in Libra until October 2012, with the exception of the period Saturn will retrograde back to into Virgo from early April through most of July 2010. Saturn has been in Virgo since September 2007 and during that time may have put a damper on your social life. Saturn may have made it harder to see the one you love (perhaps because you were in different cities or because one of you had a very intense work schedule). Or, Saturn may have made it a little harder to meet new people.
Some readers reported that they had a life learning experience through love, and it wasn't easy. One Taurus reported that she finally had to untangle herself from a relationship, and it took her a very long time to do so. Still, this reader's outlook is so bright now, so if the same situation applied to you, you should be happy because you will have a far better outlook in the future. Saturn really did show you how to make good, practical, realistic choices when it came to love in the future. Although that may sound a little dull, it's not. In love, you want a future, and that's Saturn's job - to give you a solid one!
If you had problems conceiving a child, or holding a pregnancy, Saturn was likely the culprit. If you have not seen a fertility expert, do so now. Or, consider adoption, which would also be a very kind and generous option. Your chances for a pregnancy or for being approved for an adoption will now be better than ever, but realize the period of April through July might still be pesky. Once you get beyond July, though, you will again be home free. Saturn will not be back to this house again until 2036.
Romantically, although this month emphasizes fabulous career growth and reward, you can still have some sweet moments to relax. One special weekend should be October 31, Halloween! Although the moon will be in Aries that evening, the full moon in Taurus will be gaining strength, due only two days later, on Monday, November 2. (This is well within the plus or minus of four days of all full moons.) Those Taurus who were born on April 30 will feel the effects of this full moon most, but because so much energy will be mounting on you, either over this weekend or soon after, this may be a memorable time, especially for a relationship. Your emotions will be reaching a high pitch, and hopefully it will be because you are really happy with the way a romance relationship is going.
Most romantic dates: October 1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 20, 23, 24, 28, and 31.
Of these dates, besides Halloween, I just love October 10, 13, and 20, mainly because Jupiter will be so active. Go out and have fun, dear Taurus! You deserve time off!
Starting two years ago, when Saturn first entered your fifth house of true love in September 2007, your personal life has undergone quite a number of ups and downs. You may have had to endure a separation from the person you love, possibly through no fault of your own, due to travel for work or for study at a university, as two examples. Or it may be that you had been attracted to the wrong person and at long last had to admit it was time to get out of that relationship no matter what the cost and no matter how difficult that might prove to be.
Saturn's visits to a certain part of the chart are rare, coming by every 29 years for a two-year stay, so although Saturn can be a tough influence, the lessons you learn during those stays will remain in your heart for many decades, possibly forever. Saturn will now leave Virgo on October 29, so you should see your romantic life improve almost immediately. Your challenges in this area of life are nearly over. Saturn will retrograde back to your love sector for a brief 14-week stay in the spring, but after that, Saturn will not be back until 2036.
In the meantime, in another part of your life, Mars will quietly move into your home sector on October 15 for a highly unusually long span of eight months. If you have been hoping to sell or buy a house, rent a space, or do any sort of major renovation or refurbishing project, you will be in luck. Keep in mind that Mars will be slowing down its orbit as it prepares to retrograde in late December, so it won't be until March 10 through June 7 that you will see the best and brightest help from this feisty planet. Even so, you will have help now too, so if you are in a situation where you need to make progress quickly, drop everything and focus on this domestic goal, for you may see excellent results in late October or November.
Travel may also occur in October, possibly for your work, during in early-to-mid-month. If you do jump in your car to drive to see a client, things should go well, and you'll return with the order.
Dates to Note:
An excellent career day for a meeting, interview, or presentation will be October 9.
When Jupiter turns direct orbit, you will see your career success surge forward after months of stagnating: October 13.
Most romantic dates: October 1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 20, 23, 24, 28, and 31. Of these dates: October 10, 13, and 20 should be extra special.
October 13 will be a four-star day due to Venus, your ruler, trine sexy Mars.
October 28 rates four stars due to Venus trine Jupiter.
Protect and boost your health over the full moon: October 4 - you are likely to be run down.
Your home will become a place of great obsession - and progress - once Mars enters this area of your chart: October 16.
Start a new fitness program just after the new moon: October 18.
Add a puppy or kitten to your household: October 18-31.
Review computer software and other methods you use to get your work done. You can come up with improvements in the days that follow.
Saturn moves out of your true love sector after two years on October 29 - better days are due.